7 March 2014

The Servant

If you ask me

To tell you a story tonight,

I would tell you

The one about his past

And present

And what lies in between.

Who is he? Who is he?’

You ask.

And I say,

That doesn’t matter.

He has an extinguished past

And his today’s have violated privacies.

And what lies in between

Is the debris of his soul

And broken dreams

And a few hollow words

He never dared to utter.

But let me tell you

That they grew up together

And while he was busy with the laundry

And kitchen,

She fell in love…

And he has seen a lot of her love

In those crumpled chocolate wrappers

She collected.

He has seen a lot of her love

In those late night phone calls

And many such things for years

And lastly in those all saying

Eyes of her

While she uttered, I do…”

As the monsoon found its way

Into his already devastated room,

A photo of her

He had kept all these years

Came flying to me

And I kicked him out.

Standing in our balcony, holding her hand,

As I looked at him leaving,

Wading carefully through the knee deep water

As though any haste on his part would hurt it,

I realized

How madly they were in love all these years;

He, with her

And she,

With the lunatic poet writing this poem.


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My Father Should Have Come With Us When I was a kid And we were poor And we had nothing to eat at night, On the terrace of our small house, We would sit, Me and my mother, Staring at
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