5 February 2016

Smiling Like An Idiot Doesn’t Help At All

Whoever says don’t complain, just do your work and keep smiling, everything will be alright’ is a dumb fuck idiot…

Everything that happens with you doesn’t depend only on what you do; there are other factors in action… And sometimes you need to face them with fury vengeance… Complaining is one way to do it. If you complain, someone will respond… The response might not be in your favor all the time, but you would at least know how the world works, and that will help you find an alternative way…

Speak out… There is no God to listen to your prayers. There are people’ who will listen to you and help you out… And for that you need to speak out, literally, ask for help, or complain…

Smiling like an idiot doesn’t help at all…

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