You have eyes
And you close them
To drift into another land,
A land, they say, where
Everything comes true,
The good and the bad things, yes both.
But you think of the bad things
And it scares you
To fall asleep
As if he will come
And tie your hands
And legs,
And rip apart your heart
And genital.
As if he will beat you
To death
And you forget
That the truth is:
Knife stabs you one day
And the next day
You stab it.
‘Do I get hurt?’ you think,
‘No’, I say, ‘You do not.’
Because it gets blunt
And because it snows
Inside your head.
So have some sleep tonight.
Nightmares are just nightmares.
Reality is far more scary
And you live with it.
Then why not live in dreams?