My Friend List
I think I am more or less done with cleaning my friend list.
For a long time, I had all sorts of people here - active, inactive, the stalker type, the gossip-mongers, the ones who tirelessly invite to like their pages or to join their groups, the ones who send game requests, the racists, the bigots, the religious fanatics, the humanists, the atheists, the Congressis, the Commies, and most notably, the Bhakts. I guess I am mostly a tolerant person.
But recently I have been feeling that the list has been crowded by too many unnecessary people. So, I deleted more than half of them. From around 1600 people, it has come down to 800. Another 50 or so likely to go. But I am mostly OK with the people in my friend list now.
Some of you, despite not being active for ages, are still here because I hope some day you will log in and if you do, I would like to talk to you. No, nothing serious.
Some of you are here because you write so well. I do not agree with you all the time. But you write so well. And some of you draw so well. I hope I get to learn something from you. Oh, some of you share great memes and other content created by others.
Some of you are extremely boring. All you do is change your display picture once in a while. The good thing, however, is that you are extremely pretty. And so, you are still here. And some of you have extremely pretty partners. And that’s why you are here…
Some of you are people I do not like anymore. I do not hate you either. I guess we are just different in an unpleasant way. But we have had some good times together and I remember those days with fondness. So, you are here.
Some of you shared your lunch with me. And some of you, we had held hands, maybe while watching a horror movie together or…
Some of you are extremely good at being human and some of you changed my life… You will be here forever.
And lastly, some of you react to literally to anything I post on Facebook. I am never going to get rid of you.