27 June 2016

I Think Your Girlfriend Should Date Me

I have never boasted of myself as a great artist or anything remotely close to that.

I might get a 50 or a 100 likes’ on a Facebook post, but I do know that my works are substandard, or even below standard…

Most of the people who usually hit the like’ button on my sketches can’t even draw a somewhat straight line without the help of a ruler. And that’s why they admire my sketches. No offense meant; there is nothing wrong about not being able to make a straight line without the help of a ruler.

Nevertheless, if anybody really likes my sketches irrespective of whether or not they know anything about Art, I would expect them to show their respect for the sketches and the hardwork that’s behind them, no matter how substandard or below standard they might be (Yes, I do spend at least two hours every day on sketching, and my time, just like yours, has some value).

So, do not ask me to make free sketches of yourself, your boyfriend/girlfriend, or even your dead mom or grandmother. Do not get shocked if I ask you how much you are going to pay for the sketch. Doing so, you are being disrespectful to not only the artist, but also to the person you want me to make a sketch of… And because most of you are my friends’, it hurts more to even imagine that you don’t think of yourself, or of your girlfriend/boyfriend/ a dead relative worthy enough to get a sketch of them made in lieu of payment. Come on, aren’t they priceless’? Then their representation on a piece of paper should have some value at least :)

And that we were friends at some point of our life isn’t good enough a reason for me to make a free sketch for you. Firstly, in most of the cases, I have no idea which friendship you are talking about, especially when you never interacted with me in all these years. Not even when I really needed my friends. Most of you ignored me conveniently, and you can’t say that you didn’t know about it. If you follow my sketches, I am sure you have come across my rants as well…

Second, even if we are still great friends, our friendship doesn’t pay my bills. And because most of you are salaried, and I am not, and apparently I am your friend, it’s fair that you help me in exchange of the sketches you want me to make…

Third, whether or not you are a friend, salaried or otherwise, that you are asking me for something that I am not obligated to give on humanistic grounds, means you NEED something, and I am, according to you, capable of giving you that… And that needs you to give me something in return. That is how a fair deal is supposed to be…

Just because I do it passionately, doesn’t mean I will do it for free. Especially when I don’t even find your face interesting. And if I find it interesting, I will ask you myself…

As for your girlfriend (because most of the times, it’s the boyfriends or wannabe boyfriends who ask me to make sketches of their love’), it’s better she dates me…

For when it comes to respecting women, I am better than you cheaptards who just want to woo the girls with some stupid reflected glory… And get laid…


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