26 January 2016

I Hope I Don’t Get Bored Of Myself

One of the craziest things about me is that I am absolutely comfortable contemplating the most uncomfortable moments of my life, especially the ones where it was my deeds that ultimately led to the discomfort, the embarrassment. I like to relive those moments. It helps me to understand myself better…

Honestly speaking, I find myself damn interesting as a subject for psychological case studies (not in the academic sense though) and it amazes me to see that knowing the person I am supposed to know the most, the good, the bad, and the ugly sides, could be so interesting… I realize how much we ignore our own selves while passing judgements on others…

Of course, I try to to understand other people as well. Even at the cost of embarrassing myself.

But the problem is once I find out the kind of person they are, I get bored of them, unless of course, I develop some real emotional attachment with them, which barely happens…

Nothing touches me these days; I don’t feel anything. Whenever something happens, good or bad, I just relate it to some long lost memory, and I know’ how it feels like and I react that way, the way I am supposed to… Sometimes I don’t even react.

That’s the reason why I try to understand people; it gives me a temporary pleasure, the ones you feel when you solve a difficult puzzle… But once you solve it, the same puzzle doesn’t excite you anymore… You get bored of them…

It’s OK. The world is overpopulated anyway…

But since I am a narcissist, and the subject I love most is my own self, I wonder what will happen once I get to know everything possible about myself?

I hope I don’t kill myself of boredom… I hope I don’t get bored of myself… I hope I don’t stop feeling something new… Anything… Even unhappiness of some sort will do… It just needs to be something new… For it is my thirst for some feeling other than what I have already experienced that keeps me alive…

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People Are Boring. But Not You. “You have gone absolutely bonkers…” “Why?” “The minimum of sweetness in you is gone…” “I don’t get you…I am sweet to you.” “Stop pretending. You