A Shitty Life & A Fucked Up Political System
You see,
Sometimes, it all comes down to survival.
Nothing else matters.
You don’t get offended by anything.
You don’t feel humiliated.
The stink of piss
Or the yellow patch of shit on your pants,
Or the look on anna’s face
As he cleans you with mechanical hands,
Or even the giggly whispers in the dark ICU corridor at midnight
When the nurse attending you asks other nurses,
“Take my patient, I am tired of changing his sheets”
Doesn’t bother you…
You pretend to be sleeping.
You ignore things - things that would have otherwise,
Got on your nerves.
If anything, you let yourself a smile, a sad smile.
You think about your OCD
And the things it makes you do.
What’s OCD now?
You accept things the way they are.
And it’s OK.
It’s about sailing through the time in question.
It’s all about survival, you see.
I hope you just don’t get used to it.
A shitty life and a fucked up political system
Aren’t things to compromise with.