22 July 2016

A LOVELY Conversation

Me: I love You because you put the right amount of salt and spices in everything you cook.

She (sarcastically): That’s so romantic… I am so grateful to have someone like you in my life.

Me: No need to be sarcastic. Love, like other things, happens for a reason. It’s never blind; people just don’t want to know why they love a particular person… I can tell you a hundred reasons, apart from the one I just mentioned, why I love You…

She: Let me hear…

Me: I love You because You are older than me, and I love older women :P I love You because you pay my bills :D I love You because you are sexy… Nah, I LUST You for that :P I love You because you are beautiful. I love You because You are OK with me falling in love every other day with random women. I love You because You are unapologetically fierce and ambitious. I love You because You could leave me if I ever come in between You and Your freedom. I love You because You don’t need me.

I love You because of the ectopic tooth that shows up when You smile. I love You because You have those big, all knowing eyes. I love You because I like your fashion sense, I love that You don’t like to wear Saari. I love that You are obsessed with buying expensive watches, and shoes. I love You because your feet are beautiful, and I have foot-fetish. I love You because You are a bookaholic. I love You because You love arts, and music… I love You because You like everything I post on Facebook…

She: Stop it. Stop it now.

Me: And I love You because even after all these years, you still blush when I say that I love You…

She: K. Bye.

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