7 May 2019

The Most Attractive And Stylish Female Politician In India!

Spoiler alert!

There is none!

Politics in India demands one to be unattractive, especially, when it’s a female politician we are talking about. As if attractive female representatives of the people can’t do their job properly. You have to wear a colorless saari covering almost every bit of your body. The blouse must be full-sleeved. There shouldn’t be any makeup on your face nor any ornament, jewelry, or any other aaccessories on your body.

While many would argue that this compulsory unattractive look of female politicians in India makes it easier for the mass to connect with them, I think it’s not as simple as that.

Definitely, a connection is built that works in favour of the politicians. But it is the underlying reason behind why this dress code works that makes it disgusting.


In a country where people still debate on whether or not girls should wear jeans, where women working till late at night are considered as characterless’, where fiercely independent, unapologetic, and opinionated women are called bitch’ not only by their male counterparts but also by other women, an attractive looking politician isn’t someone that many people would vote for, no matter how competent they are.

I remember a girl from my college days who used to laugh in an unrestrained manner - loud and boisterous. Many a times, it seems, she was told not to laugh like that. Her way of expressing her happiness by laughing out loud was frowned upon. It’s vulgar,’ they say.

Is the loud laughter vulgar? If so, why?

The word vulgar’ means lacking sophistication or good taste’. It also means making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude’.

Now, why would a female laughter be considered vulgar’?

Because it draws attention.

So, what?

Well, it gives an impression that one is trying to seek the attention of others.

What’s wrong in that?

It means the woman in question is trying to mingle with others with whom she has no business.

Who are you to decide that? It’s her wish.

Well, how can we let that happen?

Why not?

Because that’s not in our culture and tradition. Our women shouldn’t be so free. We are Indians, not Westerners.

What’s wrong in being like Westerners?

Do they have any culture? Women sleeping around as they wish, no rules and regulations. No sense of honour.

So, who are you to decide who she should sleep with?

Well, we are men.

And how does being a man gives you the right to decide things for a woman?

Who else will decide then?

The women?

We can’t let that happen.

Why not?

Our culture. Tradition. Honour. Respect.

What makes you think that ours is the correct way of living?

It has to be… Our women shouldn’t mingle with others. We should set boundaries for them…


Because my woman is my woman.

She is your property?

Whatever you say…

And why is that property so important for you?

How else would we ensure that we have a pure bloodline?

Why is it so important to maintain a pure bloodline?

Well, for multiple reasons…


We don’t want our power and property, whatever we have, to be inherited by the wrong person, someone from another family, do we?

So, it’s not about honour or anything. It’s about power and existence. Your existence is threatened by free women…

Who said anything about being scared of women?

It all comes down to power.

One free woman is a threat to the society, to the status quo. She is a bad example who might influence other women to break their chains. The system has been carefully crafted to address this fear of castration of men. The definition of a bad woman’ has been so carefully etched in the minds of the people that even women hates free women.

This same mindset, that an outgoing woman shouldn’t look attractive, doesn’t let us take an attractive looking female politician seriously. If a woman is so concerned about her looks, her style and appearance, how can she do the job of a people’s representative? Her interest is in other things. She is a bad woman.

It is funny and sad at the same time to see how the appearances of former actresses change drastically soon after they join politics.

And the closer the elections get, the more pathetic our female politicians look.

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